Administrative Law Review (ALR) (ISSN 0001 8368) is published quarterly by its student staff members at the American University Washington College of Law and by the Section of Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice of the American Bar Association. Price per copy to members and nonmembers, $10; per year to members, $10 (included in $60 dues); per year to law student members, $40 (electronic access free); to nonmembers who are not eligible to become members of the American Bar Association, $40 ($45 outside U.S. and U.S. possessions). A subscription form is available in the back of this issue.
ALR endeavors to be a forum for views on developments pertaining to administrative law, the Section of Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice, and other information that it believes to be of interest and use to its members and other readers.
ALR welcomes the submission of original articles, book reviews, and case studies. Submit your manuscript, double-spaced, in twelve-point Times New Roman font. Footnotes must conform to The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (Twenty-First Edition) published by the Harvard Law Review Association. ALR also generally conforms with the Manual on Usage & Style (Fourteenth Edition) published by the Texas Law Review Association.
Manuscripts should be sent to the Editor in Chief, Administrative Law Review, Washington College of Law, The American University, 4300 Nebraska Ave. NW, Capital Hall, Suite T13, Washington, DC 20016. Manuscripts may also be sent electronically to, in Microsoft Word 2010 format or higher.
Articles published by ALR reflect the views of the individuals or committees that prepared them, and do not necessarily represent the position of the American Bar Association, the Section of Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice, or the editors of ALR. Please visit our website at
Issues published two years ago and earlier may be purchased from William S. Hein & Co., Inc., Periodicals Dept., 1285 Main St., Buffalo, NY 14209.
More current issues may be obtained from Member Services, American Bar Association, 321 North Clark St., Chicago, IL 60654 (312-988-5522).